In order to offer a more eco-friendly service, we are launching the refill option for our candles. Yes, yes, you can now have your favorite Midnight Monsters candles refilled, give a little love to the planet and save money!
Here's what to do:
#1 Check out our container calls
We will make an announcement for each fragrance/candle we'll make. For example, in two weeks we are making some more Moonlight Ritual, so you will have one to two weeks to bring us your clean Moonlight Ritual container and as soon as your candle is ready we will contact you!
#2 Clean your container
The important thing is to remove the wax base and the wick base. We suggest the double boiler method (bain-marie), holding the container with kitchen tongs. Once the wax is melted, pour it into a paper towel, and place it there along with the wick base. If the wick base is a metal one with a crackling wick, send back the metal wick clip in the container.
#3 Bring your container
Bring your container to the address indicated in the call. Write to us to let us know you're coming, and we'll also know who to contact when the candle is ready!
Other important details:
It is important to respect the announcement of which candle we're making, for example, if we make a call for the Moonlight Ritual Candle, we only accept containers of this candle. In addition, we only accept Midnight Monsters containers, no other container will be accepted.
We also allow ourselves to refuse any container that does not appear to be in good condition for safety and health reasons.
Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to write to us!
Ps: We want to make refilling possible for all our products, check out this page or subscribe to our newsletter to not miss anything!